Wednesday, October 24, 2007
hello!!!!I went to copy this from weizhen's bloggie! :D hahaz...
HOW CRAZY ARE YOU? (from WEIZHEN(= I am officially taking this test to test the sanity of my mind(= )
Check next to the boxes if you have done the following action.
1. [X]You have choked on your water before. yeah... when I was laughing like XIAO
2. [X] You have tripped down the stairs before. ermm, think so but at least never tumble down all the way T.T
3. [ ] You have walked into a door. nah... dont think so
4. [X] You have pushed a door the wrong way. yeah... when the door said PULL i pushed, I mean isn't that the easiet way to open the door? O_O
5. [ ] You have walked into a wall. dun think so... cant remember
6. [X] You have fallen going [[UP]] the stairs... yeah... no comments =.=
7. [X] You have jumped off something. duh! like who didn't???
8. [X] You have been shocked. think so... must have at least once
9. [X] You have put metal/aluminum in the microwave/oven. eh... you know those kinda china with a bit of metal at the rims? I only knew that was metal when my mum told me this year T.T
10. [ ] Right after a commercial comes on you have forgotten the show you were watching. nope, thankfully :D
11. [X] You have forgotten something that someone said. yeah... sry ppl!!
12. [ ] Your friends/family call you blond. eh? what's that supposed to mean?
13. [X] You barely ever understand stuff/ jokes, or it takes a long time to figure them out. yeah, sometimes >.<
14. [X] You have been bleeding and not even noticed it. when I accidentally(it's a habit) peel my scalp then it sometimes bleeds all the way till almost touching my socks then i realise =.=" dont say eww...
15. [ ] You've worn something backwards/ in side out the whole day without knowing. dont think so :D unless I never realise XD
16. [X] You have stuck a knife in a toaster before. yup! too lazy to get thongs so i use knife to get the toast out :D I'm not a toaster killer!
17. [X] You have played with fire. tried to make a 'treasure map' and to fix my broken sandels :D the first one succeeded but the other one failed... it stinks, dont try it
18. [X] You have burned something because you forgot about it. yeah, the japanese sweet potatoes (that i hate) that my mum told me to turn off the fire and I forgot until 1 hour later D:
19. [X] You've burned yourself on a flat iron/curling iron. when I was really young(K2?) and the tip of the iron touched my finger, still have that triangle scar :D
20. [ ] You had to write this down or use a calculator or use your fingers to figure out your answer. nah, not that bad :D
Add up your points after you finish this multiply by 5
14/20... LOL same as weizhen :D
so... 70% crazy
wow >.<"
hahaz... going to read one piece again :D buh bye!
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!EOYs are OVER!!!
so happy so happy so happy so happy so happy so happy so happy so happy so happy so happy so happy so happy so happy so happy so happy so happy so happy so happy so happy so happy so happy so happy so happy so happy so happy so happy so happy so happy so happy so happy so happy so happy so happy so happy so happy so happy so happy so happy so happy so happy so happy so happy so happy so happy so happy so happy so happy so happy so happy so happy
but kinda scared also WHAT IF I FAIL!?!?!?
T.T D": D': D: )": )': ):
ARGH!!! stupid EOYs =.=
hahaz... i shall try to stay happy for now :D
reading one piece again <<< like =".=">
and i need $10 to buy conan bk 57 and 58 too :D
but so ex de T.T yao wo de ming lor
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
I'm so dead... I'm like slacking right now D:jia you everyone for their exams!!! :D
hahaz... have to force myself to study liao it's science tomorrow D:
bye! (: