Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas card with envelope
I'm currently making Christmas cards and envelopes by hand because there wasn't any more cards left for me to send. All of them were taken by my mom and bro.. T_____T But they look really pretty too so I hope that the people getting them would like the card :D haha it's a really simple design (the idea was kind of ripped out from a design book though X: sorry designer! D:) and the envelopes are made out of IKEA wrapping paper :D I guess I'm making 12 but they're going to be late because it's Christmas eve already (12.09am) /:
Happy Christmas Eve!
Friday, December 04, 2009
Today's the second day to Children's Camp! I'm now super tired from running around, shouting and piggy-back-ing people T_T I almost lost my voice today, but sadly my throat healed itself after i drank a whole bottle of water in one go... no more husky voice D:
and guess what happened today? I saw Qiuru today at the MacDonald's at West Coast Park! It was so QIAO cause both of us were leading people to West Coast Park for an outing :D I was walking into the MacDonald's to find one of my group members when suddenly someone shouted my name XD haha
woah super tired from the whole day x.x shall travel to slumberland to reserve energy for tomorrow. adieu! :D